TacoTacno's T.O.S.

If found breaking my Terms of Service, you will be subject to receiving a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) for copyright infringement. Failure to agree to my takedown notices will result in further legal action. I have the right to DMCA, if you fail to follow the terms of use stated below. My Terms of Service are subject to change at any time.

  • If you're banned from my server you do not have the rights to use anything from me.

  • If a new update breaks something I am not obligated to fix it.

  • If you break something while editing an avatar I am not obligated to fix it.

  • NO REFUNDS (this is a digital product).

  • NO price splitting.

  • NO sharing files with friends (you may share the link to my store).

  • NO public uploads.

  • Credit me with my username (tacotacno) AND link to the product (if the link is down, credit the store page).

  • Credit my avatar if you post on social media! (I would love to see!).

  • DO NOT upload an avatar for anyone but yourself (I offer upload services).

  • DO NOT claim my work as your own.

  • DO NOT use any parts from my avatars on other projects (buy and use the original yourself).

  • DO NOT redistribute my assets/avatars.

  • Use for streaming/content is allowed, with proper credit!

  • Follow the T.O.S. of the original creator's assets linked.

  • By purchasing from me, you automatically agree to these terms.

If you have any further questions, create a ticket through my Discord Server.